* VSWR, input 1.2:1 typ., 1.6:1 max; output 1.2:1 typ., 1.35:1 max.
** Input 1.3:1 typ., 1.7 max.; output 1.2:1 typ., 1.6:1 max.
J When only specification for M range given, specification applies to entire
frequency range.
A. General Quality Control Procedures, Environmental Specifications, Hi-Rel
and MIL description are given in General Information (Section 0).
B. Connector types and case mounted options, case finishes are given in
section 0, see “Case styles & Outline Drawings”.
C. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice.
1. Absolute maximum power, voltage and current ratings:
1a. Matched power rating,
Models PSC-9-1, ZC9PD-1000 ....................... 0.5 Watt
Model ZC10PD .............................................. 10 Watt
All other models ............................................ 1 Watt
1b. Internal load dissipation,
Models PSC-9-1, ZC9PD-1000, ZC10PD ....... 1.5 Watt
Model ZC10PD-26 ......................................... 0.80 Watt
All other models ............................................ 0.87 Watt